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Matches for good cakes, 4 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Oct 08 19:23:11 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   !s good cakes

Wed Oct 08 19:23:12 UTC 2014  <assbot>   5 results for 'good cakes' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=good+cakes

Wed Aug 13 14:40:26 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'They tend to show up late at parties because they figure they can always steal the cake anyway, so why bother go early ? Let the suckers figure out first - on their own dime - where the good cakes are, then just swoop in and collect... This means the only way they can get in is if you let them get in. Don?t let them get in for cheap - they have no business here.' (mp's http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollar

Sat Sep 06 15:57:28 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'They tend to show up late at parties because they figure they can always steal the cake anyway, so why bother go early ? Let the suckers figure out first - on their own dime - where the good cakes are, then just swoop in and collect... This means the only way they can get in is if you let them get in. Don?t let them get in for cheap - they have no business here.' (mp's http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollar)